RIJAA-Réseau International des Journalistes Arabes et Africa

Press release – World Press Day

Communiqué de presse journée mondiale de la presse

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NOUAKCHOTT BUSINESS FORUM 2023 The 1st edition of the Nouakchott Business Forum took place in Nouakchott (Mauritania) from November 20 to 22, 2023. For 3 days, the work was very rich. The first day of the Forum was devoted to the relationship between democracy, security and climate change. The second focused on bank financing and the challenges and prospects of financing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The interventions of more than 100 Mauritanian and international experts from the world of finance and economics contributed to exploring various promising sectors of the economy of Mauritania, Africa and the Arab world in general. The sessions, dialogues and discussion panels also addressed issues of vocational training and its relationship with the employment of young people and women. The last day of the forum was marked by the signing of the Declaration “Nouakchott: City of Peace”, by Ms. Fatimetou Mint Abdel Malek, President of the Nouakchott Region and President of the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG-A). ). The Forum was co-organized by RIJAA (International Network of Arab and African Journalists) and CIPINA. 513XA2vgngL._AC_SX425_ WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.18.38_0fb64734 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.20.36_468ef1b6 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.22.26_02b6ef7f WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.22.59_51012e4c WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.24.11_6554365d WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.24.21_86140543 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.25.04_9ee52a19 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.25.22_5860426d WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.25.35_adaede78 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.25.48_a691e0f0 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.25.58_8afa8a4f WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.26.10_517188d0 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.26.46_5c1feb9b WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.26.57_d58325d3 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.27.04_8ee34a4d WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.27.13_49a31e47 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.27.29_4636935b WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.27.38_7e2afe0a WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.27.52_69726fa6 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.28.05_c5d9ecf9 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.28.13_a1765e74 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.28.20_89ffff72 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.28.28_f88b6827 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.28.41_0c307175 WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.28.51_49c6107e WhatsApp Image 2024-04-18 à 17.29.01_db0d2ada

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BADEA signs USD 186 Million of impact loan agreements with five African nations

25 May 2023: Two financing agreements for USD 70 Million were signed with Burkina Faso and Uganda at the side-lines of the annual meetings of the African Development Bank (AfDB) held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt 22 – 26 May 2023. Together with these, His Excellency Dr. Sidi Ould Tah, Director General of BADEA signed a Framework Agreement for supporting the capital increase of the West African Development Bank (BOAD) through their respective sovereign shareholders, thus leveraging BADEA’s selective footprint in Africa, a strategy commensurate with the bank’s focus on innovative social impact and capital optimization. In Egypt, the first sovereign financing agreement for USD 50 Million was signed with Burkina Faso for funding towards the country’s capital injection into BOAD. The second agreement for USD 20 Million was signed with the Republic of Uganda to finance the construction and equipment of the Uganda Heart Institute (UHI). This project is a joint initiative with other partners from the Arab Coordination Group (ACG) – The Saudi Fund and OPEC Fund. Altogether, UHI will receive USD 70 million which will go a long way in providing the Uganda Heart Institute all the additional capacity in space and equipment that they need to further reduce on referrals of Ugandan cardiovascular patients abroad. H.E. Matia Kasaija, Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development signed on behalf of Uganda. Earlier in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in the annual meetings of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) from 10 – 14 May 2023, the BADEA Director General also signed three financing agreements respectively with the Republic of the Niger, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, and the Republic of the Gambia with a total amount of USD 116 million. The first two sovereign financings will support the capital increase of the West African Development Bank (BOAD) for the account of Niger and Côte d’Ivoire (USD 100 Million) and the third one will provide financing for the second phase of the University of Gambia expansion (USD 16 Million). It should be noted that BADEA already contributed to financing the first phase of building the University of Gambia jointly with the institutions of the Arab Coordination Group (ACG) for a total cost of USD 52 million. At both events, His Excellency the Director General and his team held several meetings with the participating delegations of beneficiary African countries, international development organizations and private sector institutions and stakeholders to discuss how BADEA could further catalyse more targeted development growth in the region through the use of Arab sources of capital. Many stakeholders took this opportunity to reaffirm their solidarity with BADEA and to congratulate the bank for its ability to maintain full business continuity despite the challenges in its host country. “I would like to strongly commend BADEA for their demonstrably first-class business continuity and institutional resilience. Nobody would have expected to sign a financing agreement today with an organisation whose Headquarters country just erupted into war weeks ago. We are therefore pleased and look forward to continued implementation of the expansion of the University of the Gambia” said H. E. Seedy Keita, Minister of Finance & Economic Affairs of the Gambia. H.E. Dr. Sidi Ould Tah, BADEA’s Director General said “Our track record of 48 years operating in Africa has taught us that event risk is a way of life. We shall therefore spare no efforts in availing ourselves for the service of the continent, whether through direct financing of projects like the University of Gambia, and the Uganda Heart Institute, or indirectly through supporting our partner institutions such as BOAD with their capital increase – our aspiration remains inclusive and sustainable development of Africa in accordance with the African Union’s agenda 2063”. https://www.badea.org/index.htm BADEA is a multilateral development finance institution owned by 18 sovereign states, members of the League of Arab States which began operations in March 1975 providing finance and technical assistance for economic development exclusively in Sub Saharan Africa. BADEA works to facilitate and catalyse the flow of Arab and other external capital and investments into Africa. Since 2015, the bank also expanded its focus on trade – both Arab-Africa trade as well as Intra-Africa trade. The Bank is an independent International Institution enjoying full international legal status and complete autonomy in administrative and financial matters. It is governed by the provisions of its Establishing Agreement and the principles of international law. The Bank was created for the purpose of strengthening economic, financial and technical cooperation between the Arab and African regions and for the embodiment of Arab-African solidarity on foundations of equality and friendship and remains one of the very few multilateral development banks whose mandate is to serve non-shareholder countries. Contacts: BADEA MEDIA INQUIRIES Contact: Ibtissam H’midouche, Head of Investor Relations Email: ibtissam.hmidouche@badea.org badea@badea.org

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TDB and BADEA support priority trade flows in Kenya with USD 600 trade finance facilities press release_14 December 2022

BADEA’s press release  

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The International Network of Arab and African Journalists hails the qualification of the Moroccan national football team for the semi-finals of the World Cup

The Network, based in Lausanne, Switzerland, hailed the qualification of the Moroccan national football team for the semi-finals of the World Cup currently taking place in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The Network congratulated the Kingdom of Morocco, its leaders, its government and its people, for achieving this heroic and historic feat, which honored Arab and African sport. The network noted the honorable participation of teams from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Tunisia, Cameroon, Senegal and Ghana, and expressed great pride in the world-class infrastructure provided by the State of Qatar.

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Mauritania, through the National Human Rights Commission, launched a caravan today, November 14, to raise citizens’ awareness of the establishment of a toll-free number that will be used to denounce cases of slavery. The launch took place in the Municipality of Rosso (200 km from Nouakchott) and will continue in several localities of the country. I had the honor of being invited there by the President of the CNDH in my capacity as President of the International Network of Arab and African Journalists (RIJAA), accompanied by my Tunisian colleague, Ms. Monia Ghanmi, correspondent in Tunis for the Al Arabiya TV channel and Mr. Cheikh Tijane Thiam of the International Labor Office in Mauritania. Also present at this ceremony were Her Excellency the Spanish Ambassador to Mauritania, the Deputy Representative of the UN Human Rights Office in Mauritania, the Mayor of Rosso and several other local personalities.  

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The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) attends the Ninth Session of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum

His Excellency the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha, participated in the Ninth Session of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum, today, November 8, 2022, in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, under the title “Globalization of War and Globalization of Peace: Implications and Partnerships”. In his speech, His Excellency the Secretary General praised the commitment of the United Arab Emirates to support peace and tolerance in the world and the role of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum in supporting the values of peaceful coexistence among all countries and peoples of the world. He stressed that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has sought, since its establishment, to promote peace, security, stability, harmony and development at the international level and to strengthen multilateral cooperation and diplomacy, and has called for tolerance and peaceful coexistence. This is reflected in the various decisions and resolutions taken at the level of the Summit and the Council of Ministers, the Secretary General added. He stressed that “the OIC has always believed that challenges such as xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism and hate speech must be addressed through dialogue, tolerance and the promotion of pluralism and coexistence. The Secretary General added that the OIC supports all international and regional efforts to prevent violent extremism and combat international terrorism, as it constantly warns of the urgent need to address the root causes and factors underlying violent extremism and terrorism, affirming that it will continue to use all platforms to promote multilateral cooperation, intercultural and interfaith dialogue and tolerance. It is constantly striving, he concluded, to help combat the forces of intolerance and discrimination.

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The arrest of journalist Pape Alé Niang by members of the Dakar Urban Security continues to shake Senegal. At the time, President Macky Sall was the guest of the “18H Politique” program and had given assurances to journalists.

The elements of the Urban Security have arrested the journalist Pape Alé Niang, boss of Dakar Matin, since Sunday. The prosecutor accused him of “delegitimizing and undermining the cohesion and collective discipline essential to the proper functioning and effectiveness of these state bodies. The prosecutor believes that his comments “undermine the morale of the troops and designate the security forces as major targets. Yet, during an intervention on October 25, 2015, on iTELE, in France, the head of state of Senegal had given guarantees to journalists. Afrik.com revisits the statements of the head of state. “In my country, there was a debate that preceded my arrival at the head of the country, where there was a Code of the press that was committed. The government had transferred it to Parliament. The deputies did not want to vote,” said Macky Sall. “Working for the decriminalization of press offenses “I am committed to working for the decriminalization of press offenses. In any case, you will never see, during my governance in Senegal, a journalist put in prison for a press offence,” added Macky Sall. The leader had however specified that “it is normal, when we intervene on a matter that affects national security, we must be questioned. It is not because we are journalists that we are above the law. Pape Alé Niang’s lawyer indicated that the arrest of his client is linked to the Sweet Beauté affair. This scandal in which the Senegalese opponent Ousmane Sonko is accused of rape on a 20-year-old girl, Adji Sarr. The latter worked in this massage parlor. The case is in the hands of justice. This Wednesday, Pope Alé Niang will face the prosecutor. It remains to be seen whether during the governance of Macky Sall, a journalist will be put in prison for a press offence

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