RIJAA-Réseau International des Journalistes Arabes et Africa

The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) attends the Ninth Session of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum

His Excellency the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha, participated in the Ninth Session of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum, today, November 8, 2022, in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, under the title “Globalization of War and Globalization of Peace: Implications and Partnerships”.
In his speech, His Excellency the Secretary General praised the commitment of the United Arab Emirates to support peace and tolerance in the world and the role of the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum in supporting the values of peaceful coexistence among all countries and peoples of the world. He stressed that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has sought, since its establishment, to promote peace, security, stability, harmony and development at the international level and to strengthen multilateral cooperation and diplomacy, and has called for tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
This is reflected in the various decisions and resolutions taken at the level of the Summit and the Council of Ministers, the Secretary General added. He stressed that “the OIC has always believed that challenges such as xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism and hate speech must be addressed through dialogue, tolerance and the promotion of pluralism and coexistence.
The Secretary General added that the OIC supports all international and regional efforts to prevent violent extremism and combat international terrorism, as it constantly warns of the urgent need to address the root causes and factors underlying violent extremism and terrorism, affirming that it will continue to use all platforms to promote multilateral cooperation, intercultural and interfaith dialogue and tolerance. It is constantly striving, he concluded, to help combat the forces of intolerance and discrimination.
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